
创建时间:  2016/07/01  王瑶   浏览次数:   返回






2001年 获日本近畿大学工学博士学位
年 韩国原子力研究所、美国华盛顿大学、日本近畿大学访问学者




1. Yuting Gaoa, Yan Chena, Liming Yanga, Luisa C. Rodriguesb, Rui L. Reisb, Jie Chenc, Effect of two different RAFT reactions on grafting MMA from pre-irradiated PP film, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 159 (2019) 222–230

2. Claudia Battistella, Yuejiao Yang, Jie Chen and Harm-Anton Klok, Synthesis and Postpolymerization Modification of Fluorine-End-Labeled Poly(Pentafluorophenyl Methacrylate) Obtained via RAFT Polymerization, ACS Omega 2018, 3, 9710- 9721

3. Yan Chena, Yuting Gaoa, Lucília P. da Silvab,c, Rogério P. Pirracob,c, Mengdi Maa, Liming Yanga, Rui L.Reisb,c,d, Jie Chena,*, A thermo-/pH-Responsive Hydrogel (PNIPAM-PDMA-PAA) with Diverse Nanostructures and Gel behaviors as a General Drug Carrier for Drug Release, Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 4063–4072

4. Yang Y, Chen J, Bonani W, Chen B, Echeli S, Maniglio D, Migliaresi C and Motta A,. Sodium oleate induced rapid gelation of silk fibroin [J]. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2018, 1219-1231

5. Huang Y Peng G Chen BYong P, Yao N, Yang L, Pirraco R, Reis R and Chen J, Preparation and characteristics of the sulfonated chitosan derivatives electrodeposited onto 316L stainless steel surface [J]. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2018, 29(3): 236-256.

6. Ye Huang,a Ping Yong,a Yan Chen,a Yuting Gao,a Weixiong Xu,a Yongkang Lva , Liming Yanga, Rui L. Reisb, Rog´erio P. Pirracob and Jie Chen*a, Micellization and gelatinization in aqueous media of pH- and thermo-responsive amphiphilic ABC (PMMA82-b-PDMAEMA150-b-PNIPAM65) triblock copolymer synthesized by consecutive RAFT polymerization, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 28711-28722

7. Ping Yong, Yuejiao Yang, Zhiyong Wang, Liming Yang and Jie Chen*, Diverse nanostructures and gel behaviours contained in a thermo- and dual-pH-sensitive ABC (PNIPAM–PAA–P4VP) terpolymer in an aqueous solution, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 88306 – 88314.

8. Guochen Zhao, Yanpeng Xue, Yuanfeng Huang, Ying Ye, Frank C. Walsh, Jie Chen* and Shuncai Wang*, One-step electrodeposition of a self-cleaning and corrosion resistant Ni/WS2 superhydrophobic surface, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 59104 – 59112.

9. Yuejiao Yang, Jie Chen*, Liming Yang, Bin Chen, Zhenmei Sheng, Wenyun Luo, Guoping Sui, Xun Lu and Jianxin Chen, Effect of D-(þ)-Glucose on the Stability, of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fricke Hydrogel Three-Dimensional Dosimeter for Radiotherapy, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2016, 48: 608 – 612.

10. Zhiyong Wang, Liming Yang, Bin Chen, Yuejiao Yang, Ping Yong and Jie Chen*, Coloading of Magnatic Particles and Anionic Drug into pH-sensitive Triblock Polimeric Nanocarriers, Chemistry Letters, 2016, 45(6): 694 – 696.

11. Wei Zhang, Liming Yang, Sijia Fang, Jie Chen*, HEA-PVA gel system for UVA radiation dose measurement, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 2016 (163) 100 – 104.

12. Tianjing Zhaoa, Devid Maniglioa,c, Jie Chenb, Bin Chenb, Claudio Migliaresia,c,* Development of pH-sensitive self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems for acid-labile lipophilic drugs, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 2016, 196: 81–88.

13. Yu Gu, Li-Ming Yang, Jie Chen, Ling-Ling Wang and Bin Chen, Hydrogel-swelling driven delivery device for corrosionresistance of metal in water, Water Science and Technology, 2015, 72(12): 2270-2276.

14. Tianjing Zhao1, Devid Maniglio1,3, Jie Chen2, Bin Chen2, Antonella Motta1,3 and Claudio Migliaresi1,3 Design and optimization of self-nanoemulsifying formulations for lipophilic drugs, Nanotechnology 2015, 26: 125102 (7pp)

15. Peng, G[1,2,3]; Lopez-Cebral, R[1,2]; Reys, L[1,2]; Marques, AL[4,5]; Oliveira, JM[4,5]; Silva, S[1,2]; Silva, T[1,2]; Chen, J[3]; Reis, R[1,2], Ecofriendly and Biocompatible Chitosan/Diatomaceous Earth Composite Membranes for Dual Drug Release, Tissue Engn. Part A, 2015, 21: S365-S365.

16. Yuejiao Yang, Liming Yang*, Jie Chen, Bin Chen, Wenyun Luo, Guoping Sui, Xun Lu, Jianxin Chen, Preparation and characterization of novel Sulfosalicylic acid-Ferrous-PVA hydrogel as a 3D dosimeter, J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2015, 304:481–487.

17. Guochen Zhaoa, Jie Chena, Yuanfeng Huangb, Rayna BryaskovacNovel antibacterial hybrid materials based on polyvinyl alcohol and mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane with embedded silver nanoparticles (PVA/AgNps/MPTES), C. R. Chimie 2015, 18 : 586–592.

18. Chen B, Chen J*, Yang L, Zhao G, Ding G, Stainless steel surface electrodeposited with dextran-salicylate for biomedical application, Surface Engineering, 2014, 30(10):763-767.

19. Chen B, Chen J*, Yang L, Zhao G, Ding G, Electrodepositing salicylate modified PHEMA on stainless steel surface for hemocompatibility, Surface Engineering, 2014, 30(10):768-773.

20. Qian Q, Bonani W, Maniglio D, Chen J, Migliaresi C*, Modulating the release of drugs from alginate matrices with the addition of gelatin microbeads, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Po-lymers, 2014, 29(3):193-207.

21. Wanqin Jin, Liming Yang, Wei Yang, Bin Chen, Jie Chen*, Grafting of HEMA onto dopamine coated stainless steel by 60Co-γ irradiation method, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2014, 105: 57–62

22. W. Yang, L. Yang, Y. Shi, B. Chen and J. Chen*Radiation grafting of acrylamide onto surface of dopamine functionalised titanium, Surface Engineering, 2013, 29(9): 667-670.

23. Qiang Qian, Jie Chen*, Min-Hui Li, Patrick Keller and Dan He, Direct preparation of nematic liquid crystalline elastomer actuators by electron beam irradiation polymerization, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22 (11), 4669 – 4674.

24. Chenting Jina, Jie Chena,*, Liming Yanga, Wenyun Luoa, Guohua Wub, Yuanzi Zhab, Effect of DMSO on the sensitivity and diffusion of FPGX gel dosimeter, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2012, 81: 879–883.

25. Peng Du1, Jie Chen1*, Liming Yang1, Wenyun Luo1, Chenting Jing1, Yuanzi Zha2, Guohua Wu2 and Allan S. Hoffman3, Preparation and characterization of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel based three-dimensional dosimeter for radiotherapy, Journal of Controlled Release, 2011, 152:e192–193.

26. Liming Yang, Yilei Shi, Jie Chen*, Liang Rong and Wei Yang, Functional surface modification of PE film by dopamine-β-cyclodextrin conjugate, Journal of Controlled Release, 2011,152:e109-110.

27. Shan T, Chen J*, Yang LM, Jie SW, Qian QRadiation preparation and characterization of pH-sensitive hydrogel of acrylic acid/cyclodextrin based copolymer, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2009, 279(1): 75-82.

28. Jie Chen*, Zaiqian Wu, Liming Yang, Qunfei Zhang, Lingang Wang, Yan Lu, Grafting copolymerization of dimethylaminoethyl methl methacrylate and acrylic acid onto preirradiated polyprorylene film by two-step reactions, Journal of Radio Analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2008275(1):81-88.

29. Jie Chen*, Jie Sun, Liming Yang, Qunfei Zhang, Huina Zhu, Huifeng Wu, Allan S. Hoffman, Isao Kaetsu, Preparation and characterization of a novel IPN hydrogel memberane of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/carboxymethyl chitosan (PNIPAAM/CMCS), Radiation Physics and Chemistry200776: 1425–1429.

30. Jie Chen*, Zaiqian Wu, Liming Yang, Qunfei Zhang, Jie SunYajuan Shi, Likai Xia, Isao Kaetsu, Grafting copolymerization of N,N-dimethyacrylaminoethylmethacrylate (DMAEMA) onto preirradiated polypropylene filmsRadiation Physics and Chemistry200776: 1367-1370.

31. Jie sun, Jie Chen*, Liming Yang, Sheng Wang, Zhujun Li and Huifeng Wu, Synthesis and characterization of a pH-sensitive hydrogel made of pyruvic-acid-modified chitosan, Journal of Biomaterial Science, Polymer Edition, 2007, 18(1): 35-44.

32. Jie Chen*, Liming Yang, Yinfeng Liu, Guowei Ding, Yong Pei, Jian Li, Guofei Hua, Jian Huang, Preparation and characterization of magnetic targeted drug controlled-release hydrogel microspheres, Macromol. Symp. 2005, 225: 71-80.

33. Jie Chen*, Yong Pei, Liming Yang, Li-Li Shi, Hao-Jie Luo, Synthesis and properties of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylamide) hydrogels, Macromol. Symp. 2005, 225: 103-111.

34. Liming Yang, Lili Shi, Jie Chen*, Yong Pe, Feng Zhu and Yiben Xia, Preparation and characterization of pH-sensitive hydrogel film of chitosan/poly(acrylic acid) copolymer, Macromol. Symp. 2005, 225: 95-102.

35. Jie Chen*, Liming Yang, Liqing Chen, Minghong Wu, Young-Chang Nho, Isao Kaetsu, An interesting grafting reactivity of EB preirradiated polypropylene film, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2004, 69 (2): 149-154.

36. Jie Chen*, Young Chang Nho and Allan S. Hoffman, Grafting copolymerization of 2-meth- acryloyloxyethyl phosphhorylcholine (MPC) onto pre-irradiated cellulose films, Journal of Biomaterial Science, Polymer Edition (JBSPE), 2004, 15(7): 841-849.

37. Baojun HuiJie Chen*Liming YangJian LiYong Pei and Lili Shi, Preparation of pH sensitive hydrogel by two times grafting of acrylamide and acrylic acid onto preirradiated polyethylene film, Journal of Radio Analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2004, 260(3): 673-677.

38. Yong Pei, Jei Chen*, Liming Yang, Lili Shi, Qiong Tao, Baojun Hui and Jian Li, The effect of pH on LCST of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide -co-acrylic acid), Journal of Biomaterial Science, Polymer Edition, 2004, 15(5): 585-594.

39. Lili Shi, Liming Yang, Jie Chen*, Yong Pei, Min Chen, Baojun Hui and Jian Li, Preparation and characterization of pH-sensitive hydrogel of chitosan/poly(acrylic acid) copolymer, Journal of Biomaterial Science, Polymer Edition, 2004, 15(4): 465-474.

40. Oh Hyun Kwon, Young Chang Nho, Jie Chen, Surface Modification of Polypropylene Film by Radiation-Induced Grafting and Its Blood Compatibility. J. of Applied Polymer Science, 2003, 88: 1726-1736.

41.Young Chang Nho, Oh Hyun Kwon, Jie Chen, Introduction of phosphoric acid group to polypropylene film by fadiation grafting and its blood compatibility, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2002, 64: 67-75.

42.Jie Chen*, Liming Yang, Minghong Wu, Qiang Xi, Shimiing He, Yiween Li, Preparation of interpenetration polymer networks by two times grafting of monomers on preirradiated polypropylene film, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 2000, 59: 313-316.








