程辉,2015年11月国家公派留学前往日本东北大学(QS2021年世界大学排名第79位)攻读博士,2019年3月取得博士学位。2019年4月至2021年3月先后以日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后和日本东北大学学术研究员身份在环境保全工学研究室工作。2020年12月入选上海市高层次人才计划,2021年4月加入上海大学环境与化学工程学院。研究领域包括厌氧生物处理技术,固废/有机垃圾资源和能源回收工艺,生物质能源以及污水生物净化技术,尤其专注于厌氧膜生物反应器和厌氧氨氧化工艺对城市污水/有机垃圾进行低碳处理以及高效资源循环。其研究将对我国城市垃圾处理,生物质资源利用,碳中和以及智慧城市的构建发挥重要作用。近年来以第一作者发表学术论文10篇,包括自然指数(Nature Index)期刊Water Research (IF=9.130) 2篇,Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=10.652) 1篇和Bioresource Technology (IF=7.539) 2篇,受邀国际会议报告6次。主持日本国家级科研基金1项,参与日本国家级重大项目,国际合作项目以及企业合作项目4项。2项研究成果已进入中试阶段。
2021.4至今 上海大学环境与化学工程学院 副教授
2020.4- 2021.3 日本东北大学 学术研究员
2019.4—2020.3 日本学术振兴会(JSPS) 博士后
2016.4—2019.3 日本东北大学 博士(博士导师: Yu-You Li教授)
1. Hui Cheng, Yemei Li, Guangze Guo, Tao Zhang, Yu Qin, Tianwei Hao, Yu-You Li*. Advanced methanogenic performance and fouling mechanism investigation of a high-solid anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) for the co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge. Water Research, 187, (2020), 116436, (Nature Index journal, IF: 11.236, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
2. Hui Cheng, Yemei Li, Lu Li, Rong Chen, Yu-You Li*. Long-term operation performance and fouling behavior of a high-solid anaerobic membrane bioreactor in treating food waste. Chemical Engineering Journal, 394, (2020), 124918. (IF: 13.273, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
3. Hui Cheng, Yemei Li, Hiroyuki Kato, Yu-You Li*. Enhancement of sustainable flux by optimizing filtration mode of a high-solid anaerobic membrane bioreactor during long-term continuous treatment of food waste. Water Research, 168, (2020), 115195. (Nature Index journal, IF: 11.236, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
4. Hui Cheng, Yutaka Hiro, Toshimasa Hojo, Yu-You Li*. Upgrading methane fermentation of food waste by using a hollow fiber type anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 267, (2018), 386- 394. (IF: 7.539, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
5. Hui Cheng, Yemei Li, Yisong Hu, Guangze Guo, Ming Cong, Benyi Xiao, Yu-You Li*. Bioenergy recovery from methanogenic co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge by a high-solid anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR): mass balance and energy potential. Bioresource Technology, 326, (2021), 124754. (IF: 7.539, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
6. Hui Cheng, Kae-Long Lin*, Rong Cui, Chao-Lung Hwang, Yu-Min Chang, Ta-Wui Cheng. The effects of SiO2/Na2O molar ratio on the characteristics of alkali-activated waste catalyst–metakaolin based geopolymers. Construction and Building Materials, 95, (2015), 710 - 720. (IF: 4.419, JCR 1区)
7. Hui Cheng, Kae-Long Lin*, Rong Cui, Chao-Lung Hwang, Ta-Wui Cheng, Yu-Min Chang. Effects of solid-to-liquid ratios on the properties of waste catalyst-metakaolin based geopolymers. Construction and Building Materials, 88, (2015), 74- 83. (IF: 4.419, JCR 1区)
8. Yisong Hu#, Hui Cheng#, Jiayuan Ji, Yu-You Li*. A review of anaerobic membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment: focusing on the fate of multicomponent biogas and membrane fouling control. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 6, (2020), 2641. (IF: 4.195, JCR 1 区) (共同一作)
9. Eli Hendrik Sanjaya, Hui Cheng, Yu Qin, Kengo Kubota, Yu-You Li*. The impact of calcium supplementation on methane fermentation and ammonia inhibition of fish processing wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 337, (2021) 125471. (IF: 7.539, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
10. Eli Hendrik Sanjaya, Hui Cheng, Yu-You Li*. Mesophilic methane fermentation performance and ammonia inhibition of fish processing wastewater treatment using a self-agitate anaerobic baffled reactor. Bioresource Technology, 313, (2020), 123644. (IF: 7.539, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
11. Yemei Li, Hui Cheng, Guangze Guo, Yu-You Li*. High-solid mono-digestion and co-digestion performance of food waste and sewage sludge by a thermophilic anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 310, (2020),123433. (IF: 7.539, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
12. Hong Yang, Bing Wang, Qing Zhang, Hui Cheng, Zhu Yu. Improvement of fermentation quality in the fermented total mixed ration with oat silage. Microorganisms, 9, (2021), 420. (中科院2区)
13. Tao Zhang, Kazuki Tonouchi, Zhe Kong, Yemei Li, Hui Cheng, Yu Qin, Yu-You Li*. Improvement of coffee grounds high solid thermophilic me-thane fermentation by co-digestion with in-situ produced waste activated sludge: performance and stability. Science of the Total Environment, 765, (2021), 142551. (IF:6.551, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
14. Jiayuan Ji, Satoshi Sakuma, Jialing Ni, Yujie Chen, Yisong Hu, Akito Ohtsu, Rong Chen, Hui Cheng, Yu Qin, Toshimasa Hojo, Kengo Kubota, Yu-You Li*. Application of two anaerobic membrane bioreactors with different pore size membranes for municipal wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 745 (2020), 140903. (IF: 6.551, JCR 1区, 中科院1区)
15. Kae-Long Lin*, Kang Gao, De-Ying Wang, Kang-Wei Luo, Wen-Hsuan Chang, Dian-Yi Huang, Hui Cheng, Rong Cui. Effects on characteristics of the SiO2-to-Na2O ratio on nano-SiO2 metakaolin-based geopolymers. Advanced Materials Research, 936, (2014), 434- 438.
16. Yu Qin, Hui Cheng, Yu-You Li*. Biomethane and biohythane production via anaerobic technologies, Circular Bioeconomy: Technologies for Waste Remediation. Editor: Ashok Pandey. (书籍章节)
17. 程辉, 李烨媚, 任媛媛, 张涛, 朱爱军, 覃宇, Yu-You Li*. 日本城市有机废弃物甲烷发酵资源化系统案例分析及最新研究进展. 环境工程, 38, (2020), 8. (核心期刊)
18. 程辉, 纪佳渊, Yu-You Li*. 厌氧膜生物反应器及其应用研究实例. 生物产业技术, 2, (2019), 15- 27.
19. 卢献辉, 王付同, 黄超红, 秦振, 程辉, 王晓瑞, 辛乐, 杨启霞*. 微生物固化载体的选择及对养殖水体的作用效果分析. 安徽农业科学, 39 (2011),1479- 1481. (中国农业核心期刊)
2018.4‐ 2020.3, 国家级科研基金, 日本学术振兴会(JSPS, 18J11537), AnMBR和Anammox∙HAP组合工艺对厨余垃圾进行高效甲烷发酵并同步脱氮除磷.主持.
2018.4 获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员
2017.4 获日本东北大学外国人留学生総長特別奨学生奨学金
2015.11 获中国国家留学基金委公派留学
Hui Cheng
Shanghai University
Environmental Engineering
333 Nanchen Road, Shanghai 200444, PR China
E-mail: chenghui@shu.edu.cn
Dr. Cheng is a Young Oriental Scholar of Shang Institutes. She is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shanghai University. Before her SHU appointment, she was an academic fellow at Tohoku University after one year of Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2019 to 2020). Her PhD is in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Tohoku University (2016 to 2019). She received her Master degree in Environmental Science (2015) and Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering (2012) from Yantai University. She is a young scientist in anaerobic membrane bioreactor for the treatment of municipal solid waste (e.g., food waste and sewage sludge). She has published 18 peer-reviewed journal articles and attended over 20 international and domestic conference. Post awards and honors include Young Oriental Scholar of Shanghai Institutes 2020, Academic Research Fellow of JSPS (2018 to 2020), Tohoku University President Fellowship (2017 to 2018) and the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC, 2016 to 2018). She has assisted in cultivating two doctoral students, three master students and one graduate student.
Education and positions held
2021.4- present Associate Professor, Shanghai University
2020.4- 2021.3 Academic Fellow, Tohoku University
2019.4- 2020.3 JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2016.4- 2019.3 Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University
Research interest
Dr. Cheng's research evaluates new and emerging anaerobic biotechnologies to minimize energy demand and other inputs for wastewater/municipal solid waste (e.g., leachates, food waste, sewage sludge, agro-waste and paper waste) treatment while recovering resources such as energy, nutrients, and water. Her research area covers anaerobic biotechnology, biomass and biotechnology, hybrid membrane technology, and resource and nutrient recovery. Her current research focuses on anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) process (simultaneous nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery). Dr. Cheng's research incorporates process engineering, novel membrane technology, microbial ecology and sustainability assessment (e.g., energy balance assessment and life cycle assessment). The overarching goal of her research is to develop a self-sustaining wastewater/municipal solid waste management system that generates reuse water and recovers resource and bioenergy with minimal environmental footprint. Her research is expected to contribute to the realization of reginal and global carbon neutral and the construction of smart cities.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Methane fermentation of food waste by a process combing AnMBR and AnammoxꞏHAP, 2,170,000 JPY, Apr. 2018- Mar. 2020, PI.
Awards and honors
2018.4- 2020.3: Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS_ DC2)
2017.4- 2018.3: Tohoku University President Fellowship
2015.11- 2018.3: The Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC)
Conference presentations (21 in total, partially listed)
1. Membrane performance and operation optimization of a hollow fiber anaerobic membrane bioreactor (HF-AnMBR) in treating food waste. The 16 th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Delft, Netherlands, Jun. 2019.
2. Membrane performance and fouling mechanism in treating high-strength food waste slurry. International Symposium on Advanced Membrane Bioreactors for Environment Sustainability (IBA-AMBRES 2018), Tianjin, China, Apr. 2018.
3. Performance analysis of a hollow fiber type anaerobic membrane bioreactor in treating food waste. The 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing, China, Oct. 2017.
4. The effects of OLRs on anaerobic digestion of food waste by a high-solid anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Japan Society on Water Environment: WET2017, Hokkaido, Japan, Jul. 2017.
5. Continuous methane production from food waste in anaerobic membrane bioreactor. The 51th Japan Society on Water Environment, Kumamoto, Japan, Mar. 2017.
6. The effects of HRT on the performances of a hollow fiber anaerobic membrane bioreactor in treating food waste. The 4 th International Symposium on Water Environment Systems, Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2016.
7. Improvement of methane fermentation of food waste by hollow fiber anaerobic membrane process. The 19 th Japan Society on Water Environment Symposium, Akita, Japan, Sep. 2016.
8. Effects of solid-to-liquid ratio on the properties of waste catalyst and metakaolin based geopolymers. Conference on Sustainable Environment and Recycling Technology, Hualien, Taiwan, May 2014.
Professional service
Reviewer: Water Research; Bioresouce Technology; Journal of Hazardous Materials
Membership: Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE)
Our research team is currently seeking passionate and motivated students interested in pursuing a PhD or MS in Environmental Engineering/Science. Information about applying to the PhD and MS programs at Shanghai University is available here. In addition, we frequently have opportunities for MS and undergraduate students interested in part-time research. Please email Dr. Hui Cheng with your CV, research interests and a bit about yourself if you are interested in joining our group.