2015年获东华大学与美国加州大学戴维斯分校联合培养博士学位,师从著名水资源学家王浩院士,其后在美国加州大学戴维斯分校随美国科学院院士、美国工程院院士微生物学家Kate Scow教授从事博士后研究,2020年9月到上海大学环境与化学工程学院环境科学与工程系任教。先后作为研究骨干参加了973计划项目、美国农业部重点项目和加州大学校长基金等项目的研究工作。《土壤学报》和《Climate Smart Agriculture》青年编委,Soil Systems和Land期刊的Reviewer Board Editor;担任智利国家科学基金、美国加州食品与农业部项目评审专家;是上海市生态环境局科研项目专家库成员;Soil Biology & Biochemistry等50余本SCI期刊审稿人。
2024.10-至今 上海大学环境与化学工程学院副院长(挂职)
2020.09-至今 上海大学环境与化学工程学院,副教授、硕士生导师
2022.01-2023.02 上海市嘉定区生态环境局副局长(挂职)
2015.05-2020.09 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 Postdoctoral Fellow
2009.09-2015.04 东华大学与美国加州大学戴维斯分校联合培养,环境科学与工程专业,博士
2005.09-2009.06 东华大学,环境科学专业,学士
1. Mao, S., He, C., Zhao, Z., Wang, F., Chen, X., Liu, X. and Wang, D., 2023. Lurgi-Thyssen dust catalytic thermal desorption remediation of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate contaminated soils. Journal of Environmental Management, 330, 117138.
2. Sayre, J. M., Wang, D., Lin, J. Y., Danielson, R. E., Scow, K. M., & Rodrigues, J. L. M., 2023. Repeated manure inputs to a forage production soil increase microbial biomass and diversity and select for lower abundance genera. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 354, 108567.
3. Wang, D., Lin, J.Y., Sayre, J.M., Schmidt, R., Fonte, S.J., Rodrigues, J.L. and Scow, K.M., 2022. Compost amendment maintains soil structure and carbon storage by increasing available carbon and microbial biomass in agricultural soil–A six-year field study. Geoderma, 427, 116117.
4. Liu, M., Zhao, Z., He, C., Wang, F., Liu, X., Chen, X., Liu, J. and Wang, D., 2022. Application of Functional Modification of Iron-Based Materials in Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). Water, 14(9), 1498.
5. Rath, D., Bogie, N., Deiss, L., Parikh, S.J., Wang, D., Ying, S., Tautges, N., Berhe, A.A., Ghezzehei, T.A. and Scow, K.M., 2022. Synergy between compost and cover crops in a Mediterranean row crop system leads to increased subsoil carbon storage. Soil, 8(1), 59-83.
6. Zhao, Z., Cheng, L., He, C., Wang, F., Liu, J., Li, Y., Chen, X., Liu, X., Lv, G. and Wang, D., 2022. Spartina alterniflora Invaded Coastal Wetlands by Raising Soil Sulfur Contents: A Meta-Analysis. Water, 14(10), p.1633.
7. He, C., Cheng, L., Wang, D., Zhao, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, F., Wang, X., Zhang, P., Chen, X. and Liu, X., 2021. Spartina alterniflora raised soil sulfide content by regulating sulfur cycle-associated bacteria in the Jiuduansha Wetland of China. Plant and Soil, 469(1), 107-121.
8. Wang, D., Felice, M.L., Scow, K.M., 2020. Impacts and interactions of biochar and biosolids on agricultural soil microbial communities during dry and wet-dry cycles. Applied Soil Ecology 152, 103570.
9. Chen, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Wang, W., Xu, Y. and Qian, G., 2021. Al‐Incorporated Mesoporous Silica Supported ZnFe2O4 for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. ChemistrySelect, 6(34), 9112-9119.
10. Huang, Z., Wang, D., Befkadu, A.A., Zhou, J., Srivastava, I., Pan, D., Wang, Z., Chen, Q., 2020. Enhancement of auxiliary agent for washing efficiency of diesel contaminated soil with surfactants. Chemosphere, 126494.
11. Huang, Z., Wang, D., Tripathi, I., Chen, Z., Zhou, J., Chen, Q., 2020. Simultaneously enhanced surfactant flushing of diesel contaminated soil column and qualified emission of effluent. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 55, 1475-1483.
12. Wang, D., Li, C., Parikh, S.J., Scow, K.M., 2019. Impact of biochar on water retention of two agricultural soils – A multi-scale analysis. Geoderma 340, 185-191. (ESI高被引论文,被加州大学研究办公室和McClellan中子研究中心选为研究亮点报道)
13. Barzee, T.J., Edalati, A., El-Mashad, H., Wang, D., Scow, K., Zhang, R., 2019. Digestate biofertilizers support similar or higher tomato yields and quality than mineral fertilizer in a subsurface drip fertigation system. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3
14. Xing, Z.Q., Yan, D.H., Wang, D.Y., Liu, S.S., Dong, G.Q., 2018. Experimental analysis of the effect of forest litter cover on surface soil water dynamics under continuous rainless condition in North China. Kuwait Journal of Science 45, 75-83.
15. Schmidt, J.E., Peterson, C., Wang, D., Scow, K.M., Gaudin, A.C.M., 2018. Agroecosystem tradeoffs associated with conversion to subsurface drip irrigation in organic systems. Agricultural Water Management 202, 1-8.
16. Wang, D., Fonte, S.J., Parikh, S.J., Six, J., Scow, K.M., 2017. Biochar additions can enhance soil structure and the physical stabilization of C in aggregates. Geoderma 303, 110-117. (ESI高被引论文,被California Agriculture选为研究亮点报道)
17. Yang, B., Xu, H., Wang, J.F., Song, X.S., Wang, Y.H., Li, F., Tian, Q., Ma, C.Y., Wang, D.Y., Bai, J.H., Sand, W., 2017. Bacterial and archaeal community distribution and stabilization of anaerobic sludge in a strengthen circulation anaerobic (SCA) reactor for municipal wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology 244, 750-758.
18. Griffin, D.E., Wang, D., Parikh, S.J., Scow, K.M., 2017. Short-lived effects of walnut shell biochar on soils and crop yields in a long-term field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 236, 21-29.
19. Wang, D., D. E. Griffin, S. J. Parikh and K. M. Scow., 2016. Impact of biochar amendment on soil water soluble carbon in the context of extreme hydrological events. Chemosphere 160, 287-292.
20. Bair, D.A., Mukome, F.N.D., Popova, I.E., Ogunyoku, T.A., Jefferson, A., Wang, D., Hafner, S.C., Young, T.M., Parikh, S.J., 2016. Sorption of Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Metals, and Herbicides to Biochar in the Presence of Biosolids. Journal of Environmental Quality 45(6), 1998-2006.
21. Zhao, Z.; Song, X.; Wang, Y.; Wang, D.; Wang, S.; He, Y.; Ding, Y.; Wang, W.; Yan, D.; Wang, J. 2016. Effects of algal ponds on vertical flow constructed wetlands under different sewage application techniques. Ecological Engineering 93:120-128;
22. Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Kuang, Z.Y., Fang, S.H., Chen, Y.H., Kang, Y.M., Zhang, H., Wang, D.Y., Fu, Y.Y., 2016 Vertical distributions of aerosol optical properties during haze and floating dust weather in Shanghai. Journal of Meteorological Research. 30(4), 598-613.
23. Wang, D., F.N.D. Mukome, D. Yan, H, Wang, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh., 2015. Phenylurea herbicide sorption to biochars and agricultural soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 50: 544-551
24. Wang, D. Y., D. H. Yan, X. S. Song, and H. Wang. 2014. Impact of Biochar on Water Holding Capacity of Two Chinese Agricultural Soil. Pages 952-955 in Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publ.
25. Wang, Q., D. H. Yan, Y. Yuan, and D. Y. Wang. 2014. Study on the Quantification of Drought in Freshwater Wetlands——A Case Study in Baiyangdian Wetland. Wetlands 34:1013-1025.
26. Yuan, Z., D. Yan, Z. Yang, J. Yin, P. Breach, and D. Wang. 2014. Impacts of climate change on winter wheat water requirement in Haihe River Basin. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change:1-21.
27. Yan, D. H., H. Wang, H. H. Li, G. Wang, T. L. Qin, D. Y. Wang, and L. H. Wang. 2012. Quantitative analysis on the environmental impact of large-scale water transfer project on water resource area in a changing environment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16:2685-2702.
28. Song, X., D. Yan, Z. Liu, Y. Chen, S. Lu, and D. Wang. 2011. Performance of laboratory-scale constructed wetlands coupled with micro-electric field for heavy metal-contaminating wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering 37:2061-2065.
1. 上海城市生态系统碳汇效能提升关键问题和对策研究,上海市科学技术委员会项目,主持
2. 桃园板结土壤修复技术研究与示范,上海市农业农村委员会项目,主持
3. 典型钢铁废物对多环芳烃污染土壤热脱附增效性能研究,企业横向,主持
4. Increasing drought resilience via impacts of manure amendments on microbial communities in integrated dairy forage cropping systems,美国农业部重点项目,研究骨干
5. UC Consortium for Drought and Carbon Management,美国加州大学校长基金Catalyst Awards项目,研究骨干
《Control of Soil and Groundwater Pollution》(博士研究生,全英文课程)