





王菲菲,上海大学环境科学与工程系,特聘副教授,硕士生导师。2012-2019年相继在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学攻读博士学位和开展博士后研究,2019年入职上海大学,2020年入选上海市高层次人才计划。长期从事城市饮用水安全保障和水体有机污染控制方面的教学与研究工作,在1)水体消毒副产物的分析识别、生成转化与综合调控,2)新兴有机微污染物的转化归趋与高级还原/氧化降解等方面取得了创新成果。主持或参与国家自然科学基金3项、省部级科研项目3项、荷兰国家级重大课题1项、技术研发横向课题多项。在ES&T、Water Research等环境和水研究领域重要期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,申请国家发明专利4项;多次应邀参加国内国际会议报告;长期受邀参与Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal等国际知名杂志的审稿工作。



2021.1-今 上海大学,特聘副教授

2019.1-2020.12 上海大学,讲师

2018.2-2019.1 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,博士后

2012.9-2018.5 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,博士学位

2012.4-2012.6 中科院水生生物研究所,短期交流

2009.9-2012.6 华东师范大学,硕士学位


1. 水体消毒副产物的分析识别、生成机制与综合控制

2. 新兴有机微污染的转化归趋与高级还原/氧化协同控制




1. Effects of phosphate addition on the removal of disinfection by-product formation potentials by biological activated carbon filtration. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 882, 163534. (第一作者,JCR一区)

2. Effects of biological activated carbon filter running time on disinfection by-product precursor removal. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 838, 155936. (第一作者,JCR一区)

3. Does Biological Activated Carbon Filtration Make Chlor(am)inated Drinking Water Safer. Water, 2022, 14, 2640 (通讯作者,JCR三区)

4. Effective remediation of cadmium and zinc co-contaminated soil by electrokinetic-permeable reactive barrier with a pretreatment of complexing agent and microorganism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 407, 126923. (通讯作者,JCR一区)

5. Phytoremediation of soil heavy metals (Cd and Zn) by castor seedlings: Tolerance, accumulation and subcellular distribution, 2020, 252, 126471. (通讯作者,JCR二区)

6. Integrated control of CX3 R-type DBP formation by coupling thermally activated persulfate pre-oxidation and chloramination. Water Research, 2019, 160, 304-312. (第一作者,JCR一区)

7. Weak magnetic field accelerates chloroacetamides removal by zero-valent iron in drinking water: degradation efficiency and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 358,40-47.(第一作者, JCR一区)

8. Effective removal of bromate in nitrate-reducing anoxic zones during managed aquifer recharge for drinking water treatment. Water Research, 2018, 130, 88-97. (第一作者、通讯作者, JCR一区)

9. Rapid degradation of brominated and iodinated haloacetamides with sulfite in drinking water: Degradation kinetics and mechanisms. Water Research, 2018, 143, 325-333. (第一作者, JCR一区, IF 7.28)

10. The fate of H2O2 during managed aquifer recharge: A residual from advanced oxidation processes for drinking water production. Chemosphere, 2016, 148, 263-269. (第一作者, JCR二区)

11. Effect of residual H2O2 from advanced oxidation processes on subsequent biological water treatment: A laboratory batch study. Chemosphere, 2017, 185, 637-646. (第一作者, JCR二区)

12. Bromate reduction by iron (II) during managed aquifer recharge: A laboratory-scale study. Water, 2018, 10, 370.(第一作者, JCR 四区)

13. Sulfonamides removal under different redox conditions and microbial response to sulfonamides stress during riverbank filtration: A laboratory column study. Chemosphere, 2019, 220, 668-677.(第三作者, JCR二区)

14. The contribution of atmospheric particulate matter to the formation of CX3R-type disinfection by-products in rainwater during chlorination. Water Research, 2018, 145, 531-540.(第三作者, JCR一区)

15. Microbial degradation of typical amino acids and its impact on the formation of trihalomethanes, haloacetonitriles and haloacetamides during chlor(am)ination. Water Research, 2019, 159, 55-64. (第二作者, JCR一区)

16. Effect of reduced sulfur group on the formation of CX3R-type disinfection by-products during chlor(am)ination of reduced sulfur compounds. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361, 227-234. (第二作者, JCR一区)

17. 基于NEB试验的不同湖泊夏季营养物投入与藻类响应关系的比较:以淀山湖、小兴凯湖和洱海为例,湖泊科学,2012 (第一作者,核心期刊)

18. 长荡湖近15年营养状态评价及限制因子研究,环境科学与技术,2012 (第一作者,核心期刊)

19. 苏南地区湖泊群的富营养化状态比较及指标阈值判定分析,生态学报,2014 (第三作者,核心期刊)

20. 太湖流域典型中小型湖泊富营养化演变分析(1991-2010年),湖泊科学,2013 (第四作者)


1. 2024-2026,国家自然科学基金,老龄炭滤池对消毒副产物前驱物的控制效果、驱动机制及调控方法 (主持)

2. 2023-2024,国家科技部,水环境中抗生素消毒副产物的生成规律及关键控制技术研究 (主持)

3. 2023-2023,横向课题,污水磷超标溯源排查 (主持)

4. 2021-2022,横向课题,水库库区底泥活性年度季节变化 (主持)

5. 2020-2023,上海科委,新冠疫情对上海市政排水系统的环境次生风险效应研究-子课题 (主持)

6. 2019-2021,国重室开放基金,强化BAC微生物作用有效控制消毒副产物的效果和机理研究 (主持)

7. 2019-2022,国家自然科学基金,九段沙湿地互花米草根区土壤硫-铁耦合过程及其入侵机制 (参与)

8. 2019-2021,横向课题,复合微生物菌剂对水稻增产及蟹塘水质改善效应示范研究 (参与)

9. 2018-2019,荷兰横向技术研发课题,饮用水高级氧化副产物溴酸盐的微生物去除 (主持)

10. 2013-2016,荷兰经济事务部水技术课题,饮用水处理中高级氧化对河岸过滤的影响研究 (核心骨干)


2021年 上海大学环化学院优秀全程导师

2020年 上海市高层次人才

2016年 荷兰TU Delft Lamminga fond奖学金

2012年 中国环境科学年会优秀论文


